
Wednesday, 11 January 2017

UXLibs - Love your Library: The Results

Finally here is the results from our first foray into the world of UX and user experience, which unfortunately appears later in this blog than our second UX project - the survey.

The library staff undertook a UX project in Lent term 2015 which was very successful as we had more responses than we expected - 92!  The students gave some excellent feedback about the library and IT services we offer.

Lego Library heaters made at Andy Priestners Lego workshop

The students identified the following things that the library does well:
·         Tea & coffee breaks, especially during Easter term
·         Our Book stock
·         The dvd collection
·         The under table heaters
·         Comfy sofa
·         Booksale of previous editions
·         Cleanliness
·         Welcoming and friendly library staff

Students commented that the library felt like a ‘home away from home’,

The following measures were implemented as a result of the study:

Issues raised
No book rests
20 book rests purchased, now heavily used
Uncomfortable chairs
20 cushions purchased, now heavily used
No access directly into IT Resource Centre
IT Resource Centre door now allows student access
Lack of colour
Worked with the Art Curator to introduce more of the New Hall art collection into the library. 

New cushions also provide more colour
Tea break snacks – during exam term
Introduced fresh and dried fruit
Stationary - stapler, hole punch
Purchased for IT Resource Centre
Policing of noise done by library staff and put into May library newsletter, encouraging self-policing by students
Desk lamps not working on the ground floor
Lamps provided, not possible to make repairs until after exam term as the electrics are embedded in the desk casing.
Blinds not working
Blinds checked – students asked to seek help from library staff
Internet explorer not working
Forwarded to IT staff

We're aware that this project only covered students who used the library and doesn’t tap into those who prefer to work elsewhere.  We are currently undertaking a second UX project surveying students in the Dome at lunch, to find out more about their favourite places to work, as well at discussing library use.