
Tuesday 27 July 2010

So slide over here, and give me a moment....

In principle Slideshare is a good thing, allowing people to share their powerpoint presentations, and especially brilliant for those who hate powerpoint and don't want to create their own.  However this is where I feel the first downfall of Slideshare comes. For example, if  you want to re-use a presenation that you've found, (obviously referencing the creator, as the work isn't yours), yes ok you have the slides, but this is only good if you know the subject matter of the presentation. Slideshare in my view just gives an overview of the presentation but doesn't enable you to see the content, if your unfamiliar with the topic, ie. no lecture notes.

The ones I found most useful are those which have an audio track with the presentation, aka screencasts, although these were few and far between in my extensive searching.  Screencasts are good as they allow you to see both the presentation and hear the commentary that went with it.

I actually found it difficult to find presentations that could be recycled, as a presentation does tend to be unique to a particular person.  I have however included a couple that I like.  The second one also contains a link to a you-tube video in German with English subtitles!:

Where I think Slideshare can be useful, is enabling people to view presentations that they missed, say at a training event, or a conference, especially if you have the handouts and lecture notes to hand.

In a library context, it could be useful to store presentations, that we are all expected to give, for example, inductions.  The students will be able to have a consistent approach, with all Cambridge librarians saying the same thing, however don't we already have Camtools for this.

As for using Slideshare for uploading your own presentations for other to use or view. The main problem to my mind is, whether sharing presentations that you created whilst working at a particular organisation is against the copyright of the organisation.  This is becuase most things you create at work are not owned by you but the organisation.

In conclusion, unlike the INXS lyrics, I'm not convinced I need you tonight!

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